Wuthering Heights

After London and New York, this award-winning British theatre hit about love, revenge and hope came to DeLaMar. When young Heathcliff is rescued from the docks of Liverpool, Mr. Earnshaw decides to adopt him and brings him home to Wuthering Heights. 

Director Emma Rice transforms Emily Brontë's epic tale of love, revenge and redemption into a passionate, powerful and unique theatrical experience, with live music, humour, puppetry and dance.


Heathcliff finds a kindred spirit in Earnshaw's daughter Catherine and an impetuous love ignites. But when they are driven apart, a brutal chain of events is unleashed….

Presented in a co-production with the Holland Festival and in collaboration with DeLaMar at the initiative of Sismo Stories & Performances Emma Rice’s theatre company came to Amsterdam in June 2024. It brought Emily Brontë's classic, complex story to life in English to Dutch audiences. It is a breathtaking revenge tragedy that warns how cruel treatment of others can affect the world for years to come.


★★★★ deTelegraaf

★★★★ deVolksrant

★★★★ Trouw


Shell Case